Capman G-7 & Hong Kong NIF portfolio structure


Top 5 positions in the portfolio - NIF Capman G-7 & Hong Kong

Investment policy of NIF Capman G-7 & Hong Kong


Types of instruments/assets/


Relative share compared to the size of the total assets of the NIF
  1   Equity securities issued by foreign issuers admitted to trading on a regulated market in the G-7 member states: United States of America (S&P 500 Index), Canada (S&P/TSX Index), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ireland (FTSE 100 index), the Federal Republic of Germany (DAX index), the Italian Republic (FTSE MIB index), France (CAC 40 index) and Japan (Nikkei 225 index), as well as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hang Seng index), which are among the top ten places by market capitalization for the respective index. to 95%
  2   – Deposits in banks, payable on demand or with the right to be withdrawn at any time, provided that the bank is headquartered in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another member state, and if it is headquartered in a third country – provided that it is subject to prudent rules, which by a decision of the FSC, on the proposal of the deputy chairman, are determined to be equivalent to those under the law of the European
– In issues, financial instruments issued or guaranteed by the Republic of Bulgaria and other member states, as well as issued or guaranteed by third countries, included in a list approved by the FSC on the proposal of the deputy chairman.

minimum 5%
  3   Derivative financial instruments on the assets in which the Fund Май invest, according to its investment policy up to 50% subject to the relevant restrictions of the underlying asset