About us
Capman In Ltd is a consultant company specialized in financial analyses and investment strategies, as well as in the preparation of documentation for companies intending to present their activity to their strategic investors.
The company does consultancy and mediation before banks and other credit institutions and ensures cooperation over the whole funding process.
Capman Consult Ltd offers consultancy and mediation as regards grant European projects, financing the particular business, ensuring full assistance in preparing the project documentation to the final completion of the project. It also offers assistance in determining the credit parameters, preparing business plans, assembling the needed documentation, and submitting it to the credit institutions.
Capman Consult Ltd offers consultancy and mediation as regards grant European projects, financing the particular business, ensuring full assistance in preparing the project documentation to the final completion of the project.
Management of the overall unity and scope of a project applying for funding under European programs:
Affords consultancy as regards the most appropriate program for each client to apply for, depending on his/her needs;
Affords consultancy as regards the justification of the client’s conception, which should correspond to the objectives of the program and, respectively, be financially and socially justified;
Prepares business plans;
Affords consultancy in assembling the necessary documents;
Affords consultancy related to pre-project research;
Conducts consultations on the amount and manner of eligible funding it may receive;
Consults on bank financing;
Performs consultations related to the deadlines that the client must meet in the process of project implementation;
Sibila Grozdanova-Yankova
Mrs. Grozdanova-Yankova holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accountancy and Control from the UNWEВиж повече -
Deyan Pilev
Mr. Pilev is an expert of long experience in the preparation and the accomplishment of national and international projects in the sphere of education, training of adults, public procurement, and financing of enterprises under EU operative programs.Виж повече
Accomplished projects
Prepared economic justification and restructuring plan according to the CA and the internal organizational structure of a manufacturing company in the sector “Production of vehicles” 2011
Prepared financial and economic evaluation and financial due diligence of a production company in the wine sector 2010