The specific objectives of the program are to improve the quality of life, social inclusion, and improve the environmental environment,
by improving the physical environment in cities, improving economic activity in cities, restoring areas with potential for economic development,
developing urban connections and improving access to cultural values, logistics centers, recreation and tourism, production and business areas in the regions.
Sustainable and integrated urban development;
Regional Health Infrastructure;
Regional tourism;
Risk prevention;
Regional Educational Infrastructure;
Regional Social Infrastructure;
Regional Road Infrastructure;
Energy efficiency in multifamily residential buildings and buildings of state and municipal administration;
Improving the urban environment and supporting areas with potential for economic development;
Sustainable Urban Transport;
Support for state and municipal health infrastructure;
Support for municipal social infrastructure, cultural and sports infrastructure;
Support for state and municipal health infrastructure;
Support for the preservation of cultural and natural heritage;
Support for 1st, 2nd, 3rd class roads;
Support to prevent the risk of landslides;
Municipalities, for the municipal property (or state-owned property with a right to manage the municipalities);
Ministry of Education and Science (MES) for state-owned schools at the Ministry of Education and Science;
Ministry of Agriculture and Food (M3H) for state-owned schools at M3X;
Ministry of Culture (MC) for state-owned schools at the Ministry of Culture;
Ministry of Youth and Sport for sports schools owned by the Ministry of Environment and Waters;
Municipalities for municipal educational infrastructure of national and regional importance;
Ministry of Health;
Agency Road Infrastructure”
Religious institutions of religious denominations and their local divisions;
NGOs in partnership with municipalities (for regional tourism products)