The platform is an alternative of the system offered by the BSE – COBOS (Clients order-book online system), to which access is secured by an electronic certificate.
CTrader eliminates the need for installation and saves the cost for an electronic certificate. The platform builds upon the main functionalities of COBOS by providing many additional ones.
All you need to trade with CTrader is a computer or a mobile device with access to the internet!
You can have access to the platform at the following address – by entering a user name and a password.
Why CTrader?
CTrader allows submission of all type of orders supported by BSE- Sofia:
- Limited submissions
- Market submissions
- Iceberg submissions
- FOK – Fill or Kill submissions
- IOC – Immediate or Cancel submissions
- Stop submissions
allows each customer to change its interface
possibility of participating in various promotional programs.
simple and intuitive interface
low commissions
Advantages and functionalities of CTrader
How do I get access to Ctrader?
To be able to trade remotely on BSE and take advantage of the functionalities of CTarder, you need to become a client of Investment intermediary Capman Inc.
satisfied customers
Start now!
If you want to familiarize yourself with the functionality that the platform offers, as well as all the specifics of work, please familiarize yourself with the work manual.